Why You Need Small Business Web Marketing

September 21, 2011 - 4 minutes read - Marketing Your Business Online, SEO

Hi there, everyone! One thing we like to do here at Mod Girl Marketing is research. This summer, a flurry of studies have come out about small business web marketing, which we find very interesting. It’s a well-known fact that the internet is now the single most important marketing vehicle small businesses have at their disposal. However, it’s also notoriously inexpensive and a place where many fledgling companies see as an opportunity to cut corners. Over the past 20 years, we’ve learned that there is a big difference between “doing internet marketing” — and doing it well! Without further ado, let’s take a closer look at a few of summer 2011’s studies…

Small Business Web Marketing Trends

2011 survey conducted by Ad-o-logy indicated that email marketing and website development are the top two areas of investment in small business web marketing. Video marketing and mobile advertising are also picking up steam this year. A study by BIA/Kelsey found that small business web marketing spending will increase to encompass 70 percent of a company’s overall budget (with the remaining 30 percent spent on traditional items like print ads or billboards). The industry is expected to reach $40.2 billion by 2015, the report says.

Much Help Is Needed In Small Business Web Marketing

One survey found that small business owners are crying for help. The overwhelming majority of business professionals knew what needed to be done, but faltered when it came to implementing these efforts. For instance:

  • Over 80 percent of small businesses had a website, but 30 percent reported poor results.
  • 44 percent of business owners built their own websites from a template or asked a friend for help.
  • More than 40 percent of those surveyed admitted they needed help with Search Engine Optimization.
  • Also, 37 percent said they needed help with Facebook, Twitter and social media in general.
  • 28 percent of executives aren’t sure what their website does for their business.
  • Budgets ranged from less than $999 (14%) to $1,000 – $4,999 (23%) to over $5,000 (16%).
See also  Why Video Builds Trust With Prospects

What Small Business Web Marketing Can Do For You

It’s all too easy to get lost in your work. Believe us, we know! But it helps to have an outside eye with one arm in marketing and one in technology. We not only understand what drives online marketing strategies to meet your objectives, but we understand exactly how to do it using technology. We can inject life into your business by creating another website for you that acts as a magnet, drawing traffic to you and stirring up leads. We’ll target your audience using carefully chosen keywords to find prospects who are most ready to buy. Mod Girl Marketing will take you into the world of social media and beyond, helping you to achieve new heights in search engine rankings that translate to real sales. Whether your small business web marketing needs include writing, mobile marketing solutions, web design, social media, or web advertising, we’ve got you covered.

Contact ModGirl Marketing for a FREE WEB ANALYSIS today!

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