The Powerful LinkedIn Exposure Tactic Your Company Should Be Using
March 11, 2022 - 2 minutes read - LinkedIn, LinkedIn Strategy, LinkedIn TipsIs this you?
You’re posting content on LinkedIn but unhappy with the reach and engagement.
You’re spending time creating awesome content, BUT…
You’re not spending time engaging with OTHER content.
If you want to get in front of your prospects, posting content alone isn’t going to cut it.
You need an engagement strategy in place.
In this expert roundup for Enterprise League, I share my #1 exposure tactic all businesses should adopt when sharing content on LinkedIn.
It’s SO simple yet SO overlooked.
And it literally takes less than 15 minutes a day.
Leave 5 meaningful comments a day on LinkedIn for one week on popular industry posts and/or your prospects posts.
Doing so will get you exposure quickly, will build your authority in your space, and provide you with content for your own posts.
This tactic works so well that one of our partners used this and gained 400 targeted connections in 24 hours from implementing it.
You can check out the full article with additional expert LinkedIn tips here.
And if you want to arm your customer-facing team with the most effective LinkedIn strategies, send me a message.
Most of the teams I train see results in 48 hours after implementing what they learn… and that’s just from one 60-minute session.
This stuff works and I love helping professionals make things happen on this incredible platform.
Interested in leveraging our team of expert LinkedIn strategists to create a customized content strategy? → luminetics.io
Tags: Content Strategy, Engagement, Linkedin, LinkedIn content, LinkedIn Content Strategy, LinkedIn Exposure, LinkedIn Training