How To Use LinkedIn Profile Data To Close More Deals
July 13, 2021 - 1 minute read - LinkedIn, LinkedIn Strategy, LinkedIn TipsHow often are you looking at your LinkedIn profile data?
Chances are your answer is, “not enough.”
If you want to land more deals and opportunities, you need to be looking at your LinkedIn profile data frequently.
In this 90-second video, I talk about what profile data you should be looking at and how to use it to land more deals.
Then, mark it in your calendar to look at your profile data at least once a week.
There are opportunities there, everywhere.
From potential prospects to potential referral partners to more profile views, LinkedIn gives you free data to help you maximize your time on the platform.
So the question is, are you leveraging it?
For even more valuable insights, be sure to subscribe to my weekly newsletter, LinkedIn Insiders. I share the latest trends and updates, and how to leverage LinkedIn to its full potential.
Tags: Linkedin, LinkedIn content, LinkedIn Content Strategy, LinkedIn Data, linkedin profile, LinkedIn Profile Data, LinkedIn strategy, LinkedIn Tips, Strategic Content