How To Master LinkedIn’s Algorithm By Creating Targeted Content

August 8, 2020 - 1 minute read - Content Writing, LinkedIn

Have you heard of LinkedIn’s “dwell time”? 

It was part of one of their algorithm updates.

What does it mean exactly? 

LinkedIn will now factor in the amount of time someone spends interacting with your content. 

Likes and comments have always been a key component of engagement factors but those alone can’t always judge the “quality” of the content. 

With the new dwell time, LinkedIn’s goal is to show more quality content in your feed. 

If someone is spending more time reading your content or watching your video, you will now have a better shot at getting your content seen. 

Personally, I think likes and comments will always play a large factor in getting impressions.

In the video below, I share my thoughts on “dwell time” and how you can leverage it to get more eyes on your LinkedIn content.

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See also  Why You Need To Be Blocking Out Time For LinkedIn
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