Google’s New Algorithm Change Puts Unique Content Ahead of the Rest…

March 7, 2011 - 3 minutes read - Blog, In the News..., Marketing Your Business Online

So it’s been almost 2 weeks since Google announced their new algorithm change, and websites are still freaking out. Content farms and other sites like Ezine Articles and Mahalo lost first page rankings overnight. Mahalo had to lay off 10% of it’s employees, you can read the article here. Now, those sites in particular are not bad sites, and actually they have some great, original content on them… but because sites like Ezine and Mahalo have soooo much content on them, it’s impossible for it all to be excellent. We still use article sites like Ezine articles in our marketing campaigns because they are great for backlinks. However, we don’t expect the articles themselves to show up on the 1st page of Google, especially now. We use them to help our sites reach the 1st page of Google.

Google changes their algorithm ALL THE TIME, so what makes this change so significant? Probably the fact that tons of well-known and successful websites lost 90% of their 1st page rankings. Google is rewarding those websites who use unique content and penalizing those who use crappy content to trick the search engines. So where does Mod Girl Marketing stand in all of this? Still at the top, of course! None of our niche blogs or client websites have lost any rankings whatsoever. Why? Because we behave by Google’s rules – we always have and always will. This alone makes us stand out from our competition. We love blogging for clients and now more than ever blogging has become an essential, if not necessary means for online marketing. The only way to completely dominate Google is to provide your readers with original, awesome content that people actually enjoy reading and that Google loves. Then you take that original content and build links to it, so you have a variety of different websites pointing to your unique content. Rinse and repeat this system for every keyword and every piece of content. It’s a tedious system that can be very time consuming and sometimes a pain in the a**, but it works! Most business owners don’t want to take the time to do it right, which is where we come in!

See also  Struggling With Video Content? Try This.

The recent algorithm change does nothing for Mod Girl Marketing – if anything it helps us! So thank you Google for weeding out the cheaters and rewarding the hard workers like us! 🙂 We will continue abiding by Google’s rules so that no algorithm change can harm any of our marketing strategies.

Check out this article written today by Enterprise Irregulars – it is a great portrayal of significant changes in content and how it can make or break an SEO campaign…

Google’s New Algorithm Puts Content in the Driver’s Seat<

If you’d like to learn how Mod Girl Marketing can help you achieve first page rankings while creating some Google love, contact us today.

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