How Many Follow-Up Messages Should You Send A New LinkedIn Connection?
October 14, 2021 - 2 minutes read - LinkedIn, LinkedIn StrategyHow many follow-up messages are ok to send a new connection in a one-month period if they don’t reply?
I asked that question 2 months ago in a LinkedIn pill and here are the results:
1 – 2 more messages (78%)
3 – 4 more messages (15%)
4 – 5 more messages (3%)
5+ more messages (4%)
That poll currently has 92,000 views and 1,900 votes.
Clearly a hot topic.
Personally, I think it completely depends on the situation.
New connections don’t necessarily mean highly qualified prospects.
And there are a ton of different ways to “follow up.”
In my mind, when I say “follow up” I do NOT mean pitching.
There were some passionate comments about sending pitches.
When I made this poll I never once considered a “follow-up” to be a sales pitch.
That’s not how I do things or how I train sales teams to do things.
We are never pitching on LinkedIn.
We are building relationships.
And we do that by asking questions and genuinely wanting to help people.
We start a dialogue that doesn’t appear salesy or awkward.
So in my mind, 3 or 4 more messages that are sent to the right person in the right way, and won’t be seen as annoying.
With that said, I feel like the answer to this question can vary depending on the situation and the people involved.
Do you agree? Or disagree?
Let me know in the comment section.
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Tags: Linkedin, LinkedIn Poll, outreach, Poll Results, Social selling