3 Ways Corporations Are Getting Involved With Communities
May 20, 2021 - 4 minutes read - Business Growth, Contributed PostsIt’s easy to think about some of the world’s largest corporations as faceless machines that only care about money and profit, but the fact of the matter is that many private organizations and companies are run by human beings that actually care. While the aid industry itself has become somewhat politicized, humble acts of kindness are a major focal point for some of the world’s largest companies and whether or not this is publicity comes down to personal belief.
Companies such as McDonald’s, Apple, and Microsoft are at the forefront of providing various means of relief to disaster victims, underprivileged communities, and indeed the world as a whole. Some of the more prominent funding from companies such as these play a key role in helping various communities through actions such as:
- Growth, Opportunity, and Charitable Acts
- Covid-19 Support and Relief
- Sustainability as a Priority
Some of the poorest people in severely underdeveloped areas often receive aid from other nations but private companies expand upon this with meaningful development while some of the world’s most prominent businesses are already providing Covid-19 support and being of major concern, almost all large corporations are changing their policies towards a sustainable future.
Growth, Opportunity, and Charitable Acts
Every nation, whether it’s the United Kingdom, the United States, Japan, or Russia, has its fair share of deprived communities, where some of the poorest people live. In many cases, where the people have essentially been forgotten and abandoned by their government, corporations have decided to pick up the slack and offer relief to citizens.
In Mexico, for example, gambling association, Grupe Caliente, headed by prominent politician Jorge Hank Rhon, often volunteer both time and money to causes such as disaster relief, fundraising events, and increasing awareness of some of the country’s worst humanitarian issues. Conversely, the Mexican government does nothing and receives $25 billion per year in remittance from the US.
Covid-19 Support and Relief
The global pandemic has affected almost everybody in some way but some have been hit a little harder than others. 15 million restaurant and bar employees lost their jobs last year as 16,000 establishments permanently closed. While no one is being given money, except for government-issued paychecks in some countries, many of the world’s largest companies are providing support in other ways.
Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban has supported local cafes and catering services by reimbursing anyone who purchases food and drinks locally while Amazon has hired 100,000 more employees and raised wages. On the more political side, UK supermarkets have been offering grocery discounts to NHS workers while the UK government offered an insulting 2% pay rise.
Sustainability as a Priority
One of the most pressing issues of our time is combating the effects of global warming, climate change, and overpopulation, all of which have led to the sustainability movement. Depletion of the earth’s natural resources is at a breaking point and more is needed to combat the effect that humans are having on the world.
The huge leaps in electric car technology are a step in the right direction but renewable energy sources, recycling, and ecological balance are essential for sustainable growth. Large companies such as Coca-Cola, Ford, and Starbucks are changing their branding strategies and helping with efficient water management, emission reduction, and ethical farming respectively.
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Tags: branding strategies, Business Growth, community, corporate, corporations