Corporate SEO Trends For 2018
October 11, 2012 - 6 minutes read - Blog, Search Marketing, SEOUpdated March 14, 2018.
In the search engine marketing world, you learn not to become TOO comfortable with any one strategy. It is something that must always be evolving and morphing into something bigger and better. I’ve been keeping my eye on studies about corporate SEO lately to forecast what’s coming next. Here are some of the top trends I am predicting:
Top Corporate SEO Trends (Updated for 2018)
Trend #1: Companies Invest In More Organic Search Marketing.
According to Moz, 40.90% of searchers click through on organic search results on mobile devices, compared to 62.20% on desktop devices. In addition, only 2.00% of searchers click through on paid search results on mobile, and 2.80% on desktop. With mobile becoming more and more prevalent every day, this means marketers cannot afford to ignore organic search.
However, many marketers still prefer paid search, mainly because PPC can give you immediate gratification. Corporate SEO can be scary for businesses because the uncertain amount of time and money they must invest indefinitely. However, the results of organic results are longer lasting. PPC results can get you into the top position on Google right away, but your success can dissipate as quickly as it appeared. My guess is that companies will start to pick up on the message that long-term, enduring strategies are worth every penny.
Trend #2: Content Marketing Still Dominates.
The phrase “Content is King” has been a cliche for many years now… and it will continue to be for many more. The Internet was created to share information, so there will never be anything more important (and more significant for search engine ranking) than fresh, relevant content. It’s this content that keeps the SEO wagon wheel rolling.
The best content will be optimized for your corporate SEO efforts, but our rule at Mod Girl Marketing is to play it conservative. You can’t just dump your keyword onto a page in every paragraph anymore. According to Google, “Filling pages with keywords or numbers results in a negative user experience, and can harm your site’s ranking.” Instead of keyword stuffing, focus on providing real value.
Trend #3: Google+ Becomes More Popular. Pinterest Becomes Standard.
Google+ seemed like sort of a flop outside the starting gate. And though it has yet to reach the success of Facebook or Twitter, we know now that Google+ is picking up a lot of search traffic. It makes sense that Google would position its social network to be more searchable than the competition.
I’m also seeing a lot more corporate activity on Pinterest as brands view the site as a great way to get exposure, create social imprints, and remain fresh in people’s minds. Once a place just for DIY and recipe fans, Pinterest is now home to businesses and marketing entrepreneurs alike, with lots of opportunities for you to improve your corporate SEO.
Trend #4: Video Optimization Leads To Domination.
Video is a great SEO secret weapon. Many corporations forget that YouTube is the second busiest search engine. Video content that is tagged and optimized properly can rank quite well in both YouTube and Google. Brands that understand how to create compelling video content will get a leg up in social networks, search, and the minds of their prospects.
[easy-tweet tweet=”Video is a great #SEO secret weapon. Brands that understand how to create compelling #video content will get a leg up in social networks, search, AND the minds of their prospects.” quote=”Video is a great SEO secret weapon. Brands that understand how to create compelling video content will get a leg up in social networks, search, AND the minds of their prospects.” theme=”style3″]
Trend #5: Press Releases Build Credibility.
This trend is key for corporate SEO. Though blogging and social media have crowded out press releases for many companies, writing and sharing a strong press release can help you claim more rankings on page 1 of Google. The art of press release writing can convert targeted traffic and appeal to media channels to build credibility and create buzz beyond a company’s wildest dreams.
The Bottom Line When It Comes to Corporate SEO:
Modern corporate SEO is so much more than on-page optimization. It’s a giant conglomeration of all your online efforts —content production, video production, social media marketing, linking and paid search. My hope is that CEOs will be open-minded to what the current results are telling us about the future: Organic Search is where it’s at!