Why You Need To Be Blocking Out Time For LinkedIn

April 19, 2024 - 1 minute read - LinkedIn, LinkedIn Strategy, LinkedIn Tips

This is my #1 productivity tip for success on LinkedIn. ↴


Put it on your calendar every single day.

You only need an hour a day.

Break it up into 15-minute increments to complete your LinkedIn tasks:

↳ Engage with prospects

↳ Reply to comments

↳ Send connection requests

↳ Update Sales Navigator lists

↳ Post content

↳ Reply to messages

Like everything else, if it’s on your calendar, you’ll get it done.

For this to be successful across teams, everyone needs to get on the same page.

Sales. Marketing. Leadership.

It has to be a part of their daily routine.

Block it out. Get it done.

Want more tips on how your team can be successful with LinkedIn? Reach out.

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