What Is The Worst Day To Post On LinkedIn? Survey Says…

September 10, 2021 - 1 minute read - LinkedIn Content, LinkedIn Content Strategy

What day is the WORST day to post on LinkedIn?

Survey says….


I asked that question in a LinkedIn poll (What’s the worst day to post on Linkedin?)

And these are the results out of 1518 votes:

51% said Saturday

22% said Monday

18% said Friday

10% said Other

Several people mentioned weekends being the worst time to post.

While other people believe that there are no bad times to post on LinkedIn – post whenever you feel like it.

I also believe that you should post whenever you can.

See also  What Type Of Content Should You Post On LinkedIn?

Of course, you should post on different days/times and see what performs best.

Every audience is different.

Pay attention to the data and optimize accordingly.

Take all the information you consume, like this, and use it to help you make decisions based on what’s best for YOU.

What works for me may be different than what works for you.

Instead of overthinking days and times to post, just do it.

Keep doing it.

Measure it.

Optimize it.



Have you also found weekends to be the worst time to post?

Interested in leveraging our team of expert LinkedIn strategists to create a customized content strategy?  luminetics.io 

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