Beginner Guide For Social Media Marketing For Your Little Coffee Shop
December 13, 2019 - 7 minutes read - Business Growth, Contributed Posts, Social Media MarketingSocial networks are a great challenge for coffee shops, restaurants, or any other company in the hospitality sector, but also a great opportunity. Increasingly, customers share their moments of gastronomic leisure on their social networks, write opinions telling how their experience was, search Google were to hold a company dinner or book based on the valuations of other customers.
Responding to all this implies an extra effort, but absolutely necessary for professionals in the hospitality sector. In addition, it requires knowledge in digital marketing, advertising and communication that in most cases are not possessed.
If you want to know how to successfully manage the presence of a coffee shop in social networks, especially Facebook, Instagram, and TripAdvisor, here are few tips for you.
If you have doubts about how your coffee shop can boost social networks, or not sure what to do to make a profile on Instagram that suggests organic coffee beans, here are some of the most significant advantages. Although we must not forget that for this, management must be professional, careful and follow a clear and well-defined strategy. Otherwise, everything can turn against us.
These are just some of the opportunities offered by social networks to hospitality companies:
- Make the coffee shop known to potential customers in our town or tourists interested in our type of coffee shop.
- Offer a new reservation and customer service channel.
- Show how the coffee is made and how it is prepared.
- Communicate events, special menus or the new coffee menu.
- Transmit your values, what makes you unique and why it is a better option than others.
The guide for Social Media Marketing for one little coffee shop will mostly look like the following one.
Create a company profile in the most appropriate social networks, Facebook, Instagram and Google My Business, mainly – Although if you have time, training or budget, you can also be present on YouTube, Pinterest or Twitter. The important thing is not to be at all of them. The important thing is to capture the interest of your followers where you decide to be.
Set digital marketing goals – First of all ask yourself what you are going to be in social networks for, and set digital marketing objectives that are measurable and attainable.
Develop a content strategy and prepare the monthly agenda – Before publishing anything, prepare a type of content template for each social network and in it specify what you are going to publish, what image or video will illustrate the post and what you want to achieve with that publication. You will see how it is much easier and faster to generate quality content.
Post the content of interest and do it often – In the agenda, you have indicated what you are going to publish, but this content has to add value to your followers. What seems fantastic to you may not be. Establish 3 or 4 thematic axes of communication of aspects that differentiate your coffee shop from the competition and work the content based on them.
Customer service 24 hours a day, 365 days – When social networks have more activity of this type of company are weekends, evenings or holidays. Therefore, keep in mind that customers demand immediacy when they leave you a comment. It is very possible that they use these channels to make a reservation for the same night. If you don’t answer at the moment, you will surely have lost a customer.
Top-quality images – Forget about uploading an unfocused image or of the tops on the counter. If you want to do it well, spend a morning doing a photo session of all coffees you have, taking care of both the framing and the light and the props.
Optimized profiles with complete contact information – Fill in all the data that each of the social networks allows. Not only the telephone, e-mail or postal address. For example, Facebook allows you to publish the menu, the type of menu you offers or the schedule.
Consider the most prominent influencers in your area – It is not about inviting anyone to your coffee shop, but it is good that you maintain a good relationship with similar portals or users with the ability to influence the coffee community of your locality.
Plan advertising campaigns on Facebook Ads, Instagram or Google Adwords – If your goal is to be known or to encourage reservations to your coffee shop, it is advised to invest at least a small economic amount each month in advertising. You will be surprised to check the profitability of these types of campaigns in this sector.
Work email marketing – These types of actions are also very profitable. In a non-invasive way, ask your customers for their e-mail so that they can send information of interest periodically.
Analyze and evaluate all actions every week – In digital marketing everything is measurable and quantifiable, therefore, let’s take advantage of this and periodically analyze the results we are obtaining with the actions carried out.
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Tags: Marketing For Small Businesses, Small Business, Small Business Marketing, Social Media, social media marketing, start-up business