10 Tips to Writing SEO-Friendly Blog Posts that Google Will LOVE!

March 30, 2011 - 9 minutes read - Blog, Free Online Business Marketing, Marketing Your Business Online, Mod Marketing

With the recent Google “farmer” algorithm update, unique content that is regularly updated is rewarded by obtaining higher rankings in Google. One of the easiest ways to achieve first page rankings in Google is by having a blog.. but a blog alone will not get you top rankings – SEO-friendly blog posts can push your site to the top of Google in no time. But.. you have to do it right and you can’t overdo it. There is a fine line between SEO-friendly and spamming. Now, a lot of your ranking factors depend on competition, keyword volume, etc., so I can’t promise you first page rankings overnight by blogging. However, if you follow these guidelines you put yourself 1 step ahead of your competition and Google will reward you.

10 Tips to Writing SEO-Friendly Blog Posts

1. Post frequently. Yes, regularly updated content is best but how often should you post? It really depends on how much time you are willing to put into your blog. Honestly, you can’t really create “too many” blog posts. With that said, most people don’t have time to blog everyday, although everyday bloggers definitely reap the rewards in the search engines. If you can find time to post 1-2 times a week that is just fine. However, if you can find time to post more, even better!

2. Choose 1 Keyword Per Post. Head over to the Google keyword tool,  and find some quality keywords for your market. Keep a text file of the most searched for terms in your market – make sure the competition bar in the Google keyword tool isn’t completely full so you don’t waste your time trying to compete for a ridiculously competitive keyword phrase. Choose to write about 1 keyword per post. You can also add in a few related keywords per post but mainly focus on 1 specific keyword phrase.

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3. Use Main Keyword in the Title. Find your main keyword and put it in the title of the post. Example: Look at my title for this post, 10 Tips to Writing SEO-Friendly Blog Posts that Google Will LOVE! Let’s say my main keyword here is Seo-friendly blog posts. Get creative and add some other phrases in the title so it doesn’t appear that you are solely focusing on your main keyword. You can add dashes, punctuation, whatever it takes!

4. Use the Keyword Early. It is best to use your main keyword in the first sentence of your blog post. It is much better to have the keywords at the beginning of the blog post rather than the end. However, it’s best to have them spread throughout the blog post, beginning, middle, and end.

5. Repeat the Keyword. Like mentioned above, it is recommended to use your keyword several times throughout your blog post. A 2-4% keyword density is recommended – if you aren’t sure what that is then Google it! Basically, you should try to include the keyword at least once in every paragraph and definitely in the opening and closing sentences. I want to stress not to overdo it – you don’t want to appear spammy so be careful how you insert your main keyword.

6. Bold, Italicize, and Underline Main Keyword. You should add emphasis to your main keyword. You can do this by underlining, bolding, and italicizing your main keyword – don’t overdo it.

7. Link Keyword to Other Blog Posts. Do you know what anchor text is? If not Google it or keep reading! You need to use anchor text for your main keyword and link it to another post on your blog. Here is an example: SEO-friendly blog posts rock! As you can see in the previous sentence, my anchor text is “SEO-friendly blog posts” and I linked it to one of my older blog posts. Now, the blog post you link to doesn’t have to be related to your current blog post – it is actually sometimes better to link to a completely different blog post on a different topic.

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8. Include the Keyword in Your URL. One of the many reasons I love WordPress – it makes it so easy to add keywords wherever you want! If you are using WordPress as a blogging platform, be sure to change your permalinks to %postname% – this will automatically put the post title in the URL. Again, if you have no clue what a “permalink” is Google it – I promise it’s really simple stuff! I’ll use this current blog post as an example: https://www.modgirlmarketing.com/10-tips-to-writing-seo-friendly-blog-posts-that-google-will-love.php  – as you can see the title has become the URL.

9. Use H1, H2, H3, H4 Tags. Again, I love WordPress for making header tags so simple. You should always create header tags and use your main keyword in them. If you are using WordPress you can easily add header tags by clicking the “paragraph” drop-down tab in the styling toolbar and then selecting the appropriate header tags. Easy as that!

10. Use Tags and Categories. ALWAYS create keyword categories and tags. Not only are the important for your readers but also the search engines. Your categories should be 5-10 of your main keywords you are trying to rank for and your tags should be related keywords for each post. WordPress plugins like Wp-Auto tagger make tagging virtually hands free, although it is helpful to add a few of your own tags every now and then.

Bonus Tips:

1. Don’t Overdo it – be careful how you place your main keyword and how often – don’t spam!

2. Send your blog posts to your social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

So there you have it, Mod Girl’s top 10 (+ 2) tips for writing Seo-friendly blog posts. Follow these 10 rules and there is no reason why you can’t achieve first page rankings in Google. Of course, you will also have to obtain backlinks to your posts, especially if you are in a competitive market. But, that is for a different time, different day… I could go on and on about backlinks – maybe that will be my next blog post?!

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If you are in a local market and you don’t have a whole heck of a lot of competition, just writing SEO-friendly blog posts could be just enough to get your website on Page 1 in Google. Don’t believe me – check out our 1st page rankings page and see for yourself. Blogging works and if you are willing to put in the time, your blog posts could remain at the top of Google forever. Just try it and see how it works out for you!

Don’t have the time to blog for yourself? Let us do it for you! We are experts in SEO-friendly blogging and WordPress experts. Our professional blogs look awesome and even better, they rank awesome!

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